My Services

Individual Sessions
One-on-One work is some of the most powerful and deep work we can do together. We will meet — usually with the horses but sometimes without and maybe even via zoom or phone — and work on what is present for YOU in the moment. I know that focusing on YOU may be something you don’t do often — or maybe ever. This time is your investment in yourself, your personal happiness, and your personal peace. It is sacred and profound. In this one-on-one space, I honor you and the journey you are on.
As with all our sessions:
• Horse experience is not necessary.
• This is a safe envirornment. You get to guide your own work at a level with which you are comfortable.
• If you have a horse session scheduled, please dress to be outdoors and wear closed-toe shoes.
Group Coaching
Gestalt is an experiential activity and was developed to include a group component. Doing your work in a group deepens and enriches the process for everyone through the magic of “borrowed benefit” wherein the shared human experience allows everyone present to discover ahas and take-aways from each other.
I offer groups on a regular basis, so ask if you’d like to join a group, and I will help you find the perfect placement. I am also open to creating group experiences for families, teams, and associates who want to build better, healthier relationships together.

Therapeutic Horsemanship
Sessions are designed for each individual client’s cognitive, emotional, and physical needs. Each student’s unique skills, talents, and temperament set the stage of the sessions along with individual goals and desired outcome. Sessions run from 45 minutes to 1 hour and typically take place from the ground.
Riding or Driving is incorporated on a case by case basis. Students, begin with the basics: Horse care, handling, horse behavior and partnership. During this process, students naturally develop a deeper understanding of themselves in relation to the world, and others. They develop in their understanding of verbal and non-verbal communication.
Sessions with the horses incorporate following sequential directions, decision-making skills, calming and emotional regulation strategies, teamwork and physical activity.
Not all sessions may take place in the area. On the farm we have beautiful nature trails that facilitate bringing awareness to all senses including intuition. A variety of games, skills and craft projects may also be available during inclement weather.

Phone Coaching & Aftercare Coaching
Equine Gestalt Coaching brings you through a process that is ongoing. The awarenesses you gain during a private session or group will continue to develop and expand. To support you through your process, I offer phone coaching and aftercare coaching. These short sessions can be intregral in helping you stay on track, hold you accountable, and move your process forward.
Workshops and Retreats
Refined in the Fire offers several retreat opportunities each year. Please call or reach out to be added to our VIP Notification list.

“Kim is such a beautiful light. She has unique strengths and radiance which uplifts and inspires her clients.”
June M.